sources données plateforme savee

Connect and centralize

savee aggregates your multi-source consumption data and makes it actionable.
  • Visualization and editing of buildings and energy attributes.
  • Data stream integration from energy suppliers and smart meters: invoices, load profiles.
  • Remote metering from smart sensors and BMS systems.
  • Automated data validation and quality checks.

Analyze and compare

Quickly identify potential energy savings, manage your budget, and compare your buildings.
  • Identification of “quick wins”: optimization of subscribed power, discrepancies between billing and invoiced data
  • Early detection of energy consumption anomalies
  • Comparison over time of buildings based on multiple criteria
  • Mapping of all buildings and TOP/FLOP analysis

Coordinate and act

Programming changes, equipment optimization, renovation work: share your action plan and assign roles
  • A single communication interface for all stakeholders
  • Customized access based on specific roles
  • Shared and streamlined action plan tracking: document management, discussion threads, simulations, and ROI measurements