What is ADEME?
The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) is a public organization dedicated to promoting and coordinating actions aimed at respecting the environment.
What is an energy audit?
An energy audit is a procedure aimed at evaluating the energy consumption of a building, identifying and quantifying potential energy savings, and reporting the findings.
What is a green lease?
A “green lease” refers to an environmental addendum mandated by Article 8 of the Grenelle II Law for leases entered into or renewed from January 1, 2012, onwards.
What is a carbon footprint?
A carbon footprint is a tool for accounting greenhouse gas emissions, taking into account both primary and final energy consumption.
What is BIM?
Building Information Modeling.
What are ESCs?
Energy Savings Certificates.
What is LV?
Low Voltage.
What is HV?
High Voltage.
What is CMVP?
Certified Measurement and Verification Professional: A certification for engineers with extensive experience regarding the IPMVP protocol.
What is an EPC?
Energy Performance Contract.
What is an AHU?
Air Handling Unit: A technical installation designed to modify the characteristics of incoming air flow according to a specified control.
What is HVAC?
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning: A collection of technical fields encompassing trades that deal with air comfort.
What is sustainable development?
The commitment to meeting today’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
What is a UDD?
Unified Degree Day: The difference between an outside temperature and a reference temperature, which helps estimate potential energy savings.
What is DHW?
Domestic Hot Water: A heated water network used for domestic and sanitary purposes.
What is energy efficiency?
The ratio between the amount of energy delivered to a system and the amount of energy absorbed. The lower this ratio, the higher the energy efficiency.
What is final energy?
Forms of energy available to users after transportation, transformation, and supply operations (such as gas, electricity, etc.).
What is primary energy?
Forms of energy directly found in nature (such as wood, oil, coal, wind).
What are GHGs?
Greenhouse Gases: Gases that have the ability to absorb infrared radiation emitted by the Earth. They are partly responsible for global warming.
What is BMS?
Building Management System: a comprehensive system that allows for the control of information from all systems on a single site.
What is CCS?
Centralized Technical Management: allows for the control of technical installations within a specific technical domain.
What is IPMVP?
The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol: A tool for measuring and verifying actions taken to estimate energy savings.
What is LoRa network?
A low-power, long-distance communication protocol designed for connected devices.
What is SaaS?
Software as a Service.
What is a Smart Building?
Smart buildings are a key component of smart grids, aimed at optimizing energy use and integrating renewable energy sources.
What is an EnMS?
Energy Management System (ISO 50001).